I decided to go ahead and make his 4 month post and later I will make a separate post with his stats since his checkup is not until next week. FYI... :)
I have to start this post off with first saying that I was really hoping to enjoy every baby moment that I could and embrace it all, but it is all flying by so fast with having two children that I feel like it is going with a blink of an eye! I felt like it flew by with just Addison, but had no clue how fast time could really go until now! With all that said, moving on to my important topics....my boy!
Mason is such a sweet, happy baby! He smiles at me first thing in the morning when I see him and last thing at night when I lay him down and it melts my heart every time and makes me smile every time! :) He is making new sounds each and everyday still smiling and cooing as he goes. With the madness of this last month, we have seriously been extremely busy with Paul's Chief stuff and other things which is another story, but he has started grasping things. He is so curious and wants to see what is going on at all times. He even will stop nursing to see what is going on, which makes public nursing quite difficult at times let alone making Mommy sore. :( T.v. still draws his attention....just like his Daddy and big sister! ;) He is still wearing 6 month clothes, but I think he will be working into 9 month winter clothes....sooner than later. He is not a huge baby I believe, but his torso is so long. He is still in size 3 diapers. I don't think he has grown too much since his last appointment, but we shall see next week. Under his chin and his sides are his secret tickle spots! His big sister makes him laugh daily and entertains him. Addison gets upset when he gets upset and will bring him his paci. The soothie is still a must around our house! I tried another pacifier the other day and he would have nothing to do with it! Yikes, he is serious about the soothie as I already said. He will lay on the floor and watch Addison move around the room and play. One day soon I know he will be playing with her and she will love it I know. He also got to take a bath with his sister in the big bath tub together the other night. They both loved it of course! His spitting up is much better as long as I stay away from certain things like milk, ice cream, and I have even discovered a lot of ranch makes him spit up some. (I love ranch. :( But he is more important of course!) He loves to pull the blanket up near his face. He hates to have his nails trimmed so I usually trim them while he is sleeping, but the last couple times he tolerated it while he watched big sis play. Addison didn't ever mind nail trims. He seems so content when he is snuggling with us. He eats at 5am, 7:30am, 10:30am, 2:30pm, 5:30pm, 7:30pm, and 9:30pm, but the last few nights he has been off his schedule and eating at 1 am, 3 am, 5 am and 10:30pm...luckily my body is pretty quick with milk production on demand. I believe he is doing that because he may be fixing to go through his 4 month growing spurt possibly. I also believe teething is upon us because he is drooling like crazy and chewing his hands and anything that he can get into his mouth. Mason is pretty predictable which makes it pretty easy to go out and about. Everyone comments on his long fingers.
Mason- One thing is for sure, you are a complete joy to be around and your Mommy cannot get enough of holding you. These baby stages are flying by waaaaaayyyy too quick! I love kissing them chubby cheeks and giving them love bites. Them baby toes are the sweetest little things in this world! I LOVE when you hold my fingers. When you nuzzle against me I feel so content and utter happiness. Being a Mommy this second time around has been a pure joy and I know now that I am a little more experienced at this that I must enjoy each moment because once you are mobile, walking , talking , etc that you won't want me as much and you can never get back the special baby stages!
Happy 4 months baby boy!!! With all of my love, Mommy :)