Me Maw has it down! One on the hip with two hanging onto each pocket! Love it!!! After the gym we headed to McDonalds to run around some more and for a sweet treat!
Addison helped me make her first no bake oatmeal cookies! I remember helping my mom make these when I was little all the time! She loved them of course.
Mason had his first Nutri-Grain bar Feb 27 AND he LOVED it! I cannot believe I forgot about these. Addison loved them for a long time too. I think she isn't as crazy about them now because she ate them so much when she was younger. Mason's favorite so far seems to be the strawberry yogurt one. He eats a whole one in a few minutes!
February 26, Mason discovered how to climb in his sister's chair! And he hasn't stopped yet!!!! It makes me a nervous wreck, but he has learned how to crawl out of it now. I want to get him his own chair for his birthday.