It's long past due time....
-watch Addison & Mason sleep.
-just wonder what kind of adults A&M are going to be.
-wonder how they are going to interact when they get older.
-stare at their little fingers, toes and hands...something so sweet about them...and love to kiss them so!
-dream of a full day at the spa!
-dream of traveling...often! :))
- imagined being a Mommy & a wife.
-want to slow down time and enjoy my babies...boy time flies now-a-days!
-want to be everything!
-feel like I am going 100 miles an hour...most of the time.
-amazed each and everyday by what new things A&M do.
-amazed at how different they are in different ways.
-try to keep my camera on me. ;)
-try to stop and have one on one time with A&M daily.
-am slow in the mornings, BUT the mornings are so busy with two little ones I am adjusting.
-want to miss anything in their little lives.
-can stand chipped nail polish, but it is hard to keep fresh paint on these toes of mine these days.
-can think straight when either child is whining...I might as well just stop whatever I am doing.
-go to sleep without brushing my teeth.
-could live without my cellphone or DVR now.
-want to have regrets.