Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, February 28, 2011

My 9 Month Old Baby Boy!

Photo shoots are all around difficult these days as you can see, but that doesn't stop me!


Wow, where do I start??? Even though he is my second child it still amazes me how much children change at this age! These days (I may have already mentioned earlier, but not sure so I will mention again for my log) Mason is standing, taking steps, blowing raspberries, saying Ma and Da, he recognizes us over strangers, pulls self to standing, is busy, busy, busy, he makes a bigger mess than his big sister (believe that or not!), he loves to mess up Addison room (already!), is all over the house, gives hugs, wants to walk so badly on his own, is always happy unless he is tired or hungry, great car baby, has been eating LOTS the last few days...uhhh, can you say a much needed growth spurt?!, LOVES yogurt melts, LOVES table food and prefers what we eat over the ole' baby jarred stuff, loves vanilla yogurt, hates banana flavored yogurt, has been left with a babysitter more at this age than his sister (I have come to learn how important this is...for them and for me!), loves to play in the water, still no teeth, and still loves the blanket near his face and to be snuggled! He is eating 3 to 4 meals a day, 4 to 5 nursing sessions a day lasting between 5 to 20 minutes, gets 1 formula bottle at night to supplement BM with an occasional formula bottle when out (between 2 to 8oz so he is still getting mostly BM), and he gets snacks consisting of cheerios, puffs, yogurt melts in between meals or with meals....oh, and some apple juice most helps his constipation. (Addison NEVER had constipation issues! Funny how diff they are!) He is napping 3 times a day and if out in his car seat will usually sleep for a long time (yay for me!).
Some things we are still working on...using a sippy cup, walking alone, clapping, 'where is mommy's nose'...those are the ones that come to mind...we work on these daily!
Weight: 15lbs 12 oz (1%)*
Length: ~28 in (17%)
Head Circum.: 46.4 (76%)
*In regards to his weight at today's check up he has lost 1/2 lb over the last months....he has been sick during this last month and started being extremely mobile, but the doctor wants to see him in one month to ensure that he is ok and where he needs to be at that time. I had some concern for this as well, but over the last few days he has been eating TONS of food so I am hoping a growth spurt is in his horizon...not as much length as weight! He grew 2 inches in 2 months so I am not worried about that.

To My Dearest Son,
I love going to get you in the morning because I know you will have a BIG smile on your face and start laughing as soon as you see me! Now a days you are usually standing in your crib looking over for me. Oh my, how fast you are growing up! At times I wish I could slow down time to soak up and enjoy ALL these precious moments and baby memories. When I pick you up you want to face outwards so you can see what is going on and these days you want down so you can crawl and get into stuff....where did the snuggle days go?! I want you to know that you are SO LOVED! You have made our family complete in so many ways. You are the son I have always wanted and dreamed of that is for sure. You have such a sweet, happy demeanour and most everyone comments so. As we swiftly approach your BIG FIRST birthday I am sadden at how quickly these FIRST few months have flown by and how my itty baby is growing up before my eyes, but I am planning to celebrate your day in a special way for sure! I think I have determined the theme! And I KNOW you will dig (pun intended ;) into the cake...although I thought the same with your sister, but I hope you do dig right into it....and make a mess....and enjoy it...ALL! Just 38 weeks ago you were blessed I am with my little family!
With Love,
Mommy <3

MGM- 9 Months Old

Stay tuned...9 month posting coming SOON!
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Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Cup

Addison just crashed out here after we got back.

My babies have such pretty round heads I tell ya!

OoOoOhhh....hey, Mom I like this cup!

Feed me, please!
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