Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Happy 31st Birthday to my Wonderful Hubby!!!

This was taken at Paul's favorite restaurant, Buffalo Wild Wings, where he just recieved his birthday monkey from the ballonist. I have to say we were all three amazed at this ballonist! We want one at Addison's birthday party at some point in time! She could make anything! We saw her make Tinkerbell, a snake, a dog....really cool! The restaurant hires the company to come and do this and then you give them tips of course. Paul gave her a nice tip for making Addison a butterfly...and his monkey! It was fun just watching her make them.

However, I cannot believe my husband turned 31! Good thing his wife is still young and in her 20's....hahaha babe! ;) I think he had a great weekend. We went off to Springfield and spent the day shopping. It was nice just being together and he did not want a birthday party so it worked out great. HAPPY 31st BIRTHDAY BABE!!! Love you!

As I have stated numerous amounts of times our child LOVES balloons so the whole time she was watching her make others she was saying 'ball, ball, ball....!' She was too into her butterfly to enjoy her meal I believe.
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1 comment:

McNeelys' said...

Your not to far behind me Honey.