Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Addison is 2 1/2 Years Old!!!


Loving on her bunny that I got her on my birthday (when I was preggo) for her first birthday...remember?!

Tickle, tickle...

Her silly face!

Can I just say WOW, I am WAY BEHIND my followers!!! BUT I am determined to get caught up (at least somewhat this week) SO stay tuned! I am OVER a month behind, BUT I got LOTS of GREAT photos coming....MeMaw's visit, Tennessee Trip AND my NEWEST nice Baby Harley...oh yeah, stay tuned!

Back to my precious 30 month old......yes, 2 1/2.....can you believe it because I can't!!! My baby girl is so smart and catches onto things so fast it amazes me each and everyday. At this point she can say her ABC's for the most part skipping a few letters (still working on recognition), can count 1-10 and knows some numbers past 10 like 13, 14, 15, has several word sentences, knows colors, FULL of energy, loves the outdoors, animals, Elmo, Dora, swimming, water, iPad, puzzles, trampoline, movies, gogurt, chips, cake, apples, pudding....she asks different questions now, i.e. Why? Where? How? When? I could do on and on as usual!!! She loves best when we play in the floor with her and rough house as I call it....tickle, ride my back, etc. She goes non-stop and I do love it! She loves her music classes and to sing songs and to dance also. She loves to go to gymnastics and jump and run and play. I know she will love when the warm weather comes so we can play outside everyday. She is so curious about her world and wants to check it all out. Animals, animals, animals....! How she loves them...any kind....oh, but bugs...."bugs are ewwwwww, Mommy!" Yeah, somewhere she picked that one up. Funny, huh?! She is still potty training and does good when we are home, but I still put a pull-up or diaper on her when we go out. She is in size 5 diapers, going into 3T clothes and size 7 shoe going into an 8 soon. She LOVES clothes, shoes and "pockets" aka pocket books or purses. If we let her walk with us she will go up to the clothes rack and pick a shirt and pants and bring them to me saying "Mommy this matches. It's cute! Let's buy it!" Oh yeah....! I've got me a shopping buddy!!! :)

To My Big Girl...
First of all you will ALWAYS be my baby girl no matter how big you get! And you are so grown these days it astonishes me to no end. I love it though. It does make me sad to look at bigger girl clothes these days! I do walk by the newborn girls section still and reminisce at how small you once were. I am excited at the new adventures your age brings. You make me smile and laugh everyday....whether at something that you do or say. You definitely know what you want and I hope that decisiveness stays with you. Having you made me a mother and what a journey that it has been and continues to be. I am learning right along with you my darling girl. You are the daughter that I've always imagined. You are so beautiful and your eyes and smile light up my world! I want to make you happy, but I know with that comes boundaries which at this stage called terrible twos you can't always get what you want, that is a hard lesson learned. You certainly can try me at times, but thankfully my patience is growing. My wish is to be a perfect mother, but as I know perfection is never reached. I can only do my best. I hope you and your brother have happy memories of our little family and know your Mommy loves you so! I couldn't be happier and more blessed!!!

Love you lots!
Mommy :)

30 Month Stats:
Weight: 26 1/2 lbs (23%)
Length: 35 in (29%)
Head Circum.: 48.6 cm (61%)

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